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Umbria - olive tree festival Spello - L'oro di Spello
Hotel Fonte Cesia » Enogastronomy in Umbria » “L’Oro di Spello”: the olive tree festival is back

“L’Oro di Spello”: the olive tree festival is back


The “L’Oro di Spello” (Spello’s Gold), olive tree festival in Spello event is back to celebrate the new oil, the legendary bruschetta and the noble olive tree. 2019 is host of the 58th edition, which will be held on November 15, 16 and 17 and will take over this picturesque Umbrian town with taste, tradition and folklore with a special focus on paying due homage to the area and Italian cuisine.


The event

The “Festa dell’Olivo e Sagra della Bruschetta” (Olive Tree Festival and Bruschetta Fete) began in 1963 through an initiative of the Pro Loco of Spello and has enjoyed great success.

The aim of the event is to extend the knowledge of and celebrate extra virgin olive oil to the whole world, from farming the olive trees to pruning them, to harvesting the olives and pressing them and preserving the oil.

This segues naturally into the extraordinary territory of production and obviously its exceptional flavour . Since 2007 the “Festa dell’Olivo e Sagra della Bruschetta” (Olive Tree Festival and Bruschetta Fete) has been part of the broader event of “L’Oro di Spello” (Spello’s oil) which aims to valorise everything that characterises the town, starting with the oil, which is its most representative and important wine-food product.


L’Oro di Spello 2019

The 2019 edition of the event will be held from November 15 to 17 and particularly aims at valorising the entire territory and Italian cuisine. The most important day is Sunday, dedicated to the “Festa della Benfinita” (The End’s Well Fete), with a parade of traditional floats decorated with olive branches.

These floats are prepared on farm carriages that travel from the farms all the way up to the centre decorated with reconstructed olive trees brandishing salami, cheese and fruit. And with music, traditions and folklore, at the end of the parade prizes are awarded to the top three ‘Frasche’ (traditional floats).

The three days of the event host themed window displays in the historical centre, conferences and editorial presentations.

Plus, every evening the traditional taverne (pubs) are open, with each one hosting a culinary challenge between the districts ‘Terzieri’: Porta Chiusa, Mezota and Pusterula.

For more information and updates go to the page dedicated to the ProSpello association’s website( Ita).

Hotel Fonte Cesia » Enogastronomy in Umbria » “L’Oro di Spello”: the olive tree festival is back