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Cosa fare a todi

What to do in Todi


In Todi and in all Umbria you will never get bored.

In addition to its historical and artistic beauties, our region will capture you with its green hills, covered with olive groves and vineyards, perfect scenery to practice outdoor sports or enjoy the peace and beauty of our nature or simply to visit one of our excellent cellars and farms.

Todi will intrigue you with the shops of handicraftsmen with their unique cleverly worked artisan works. You will love getting lost in the historic centre and discover beautiful views on the hills.

If you love sport and nature, Todi is your ideal destinationwith many  outdoor activities.

Visit Todi

In 1989, Todi was elected, by a renowned US university, as the most liveable city in the world for its unique location in the heart of Umbria, the excellent quality of life and perfect harmony between town and countryside. For this reason, many foreigners have chosen to live in Todi and in its surroundings.

Our city is so rich in history, in artistic and architectural treasures, that the best way to visit it is to get lost in its narrow streets.  You will be mesmerized by its beauty.

We can start by walking around the city walls, three circle of Medieval, Roman and Etruscan walls that surround the city.

Just outside the city walls, you will be welcomed by the majestic Temple of Santa Maria della Consolazione, example of Umbrian Renaissance – style.

The Greek-cross plan church, designed by Bramante, has a simple architecture, inside it dominates the altar with a fresco of the fourteenth century “Madonna con bambino” (Madonna with Child) that is believed to have miraculous property, that was found on the exact place where the Temple was built. All around stand the great plaster statues of the twelve apostles.

The celebration is on September the 8th, marked with stunning fireworks.
Walking up the hill, in addition to the amazing views and the first picturesque alleys, we will find the beautiful staircase of San Fortunato Temple, dedicated to the patron of the city.

This Gothic Style Church, begun in 1292, is characterized by the visible unfinished façade, due to the death, in 1458, of its architect Giovanni Santucci da Fiorenzuola di Spoleto.

It has a large central door and two side doors. The 1460 Bell Tower can be climbed, and from the top you have a beautiful 360° view of the city and the valley.

Going behind the temple there is the Parco Della Rocca, the highest point of Todi, there are the ruins of the abbey of St. Leucio.

At the left side of S. Fortunato staircase, there is the Monument to Jacopone da Todi of 1930, tribute of the city to its most famous citizen: Jacopone, the greatest medieval religious Italian poet, the monument was created with stones of the three city walls.

Continuing our walk, we will see the Teatro Comunale (theatre), a beautiful jewel of the eighteenth century.

Finally, we are in the heart of Todi, Piazza del Popolo, the main square.

We suggest to start your visit from the Roman Cisterns. Todi is full of underground passages, including these twelve Cisterns of the first century BC, example of high hydraulic engineering, which ensured a perfect water supply to the ancient Roman Forum.

Piazza del Popolo, heir of the ancient Roman forum, beautiful in its irregularity, is considered one of the most beautiful mediaeval squares in Italy.

Dominated by the beauty of the Cathedral façade it is surrounded by the Palazzo del Capitano, the Palazzo del Popolo, and the Medieval Palazzo dei Priori.

At the top floor of the Palazzo del Capitano, or municipal houses, there is the Civic Museum and Art Gallery. In these splendid rooms, you can retrace the historical and artistic events of our city, including archaeological material, ceramics, textiles, coins.

Anywhere we will find the symbol of Todi – the Eagle.

The magnificent Cathedral, construction began in the 12th century on the ruins of a Roman temple, has been renovated and changed over the centuries.

The Lombardic Style Cathedral, welcomes us with the wide staircase and its facade decorated with three rose windows and three Gothic entrance doors, the central one is rich in reliefs.

The Church is divided in three big naves and a small one containing the baptismal font, it is rich in artworks, the beautiful counter-façade completely frescoed by Ferrau from Faenza, reminiscent of the Universal Judgement of Michelangelo, the stained-glass window and the real masterpiece is the inlaid choir.

Small curiosity:  the Square and the Cathedral were the film set of several movies including: “The Agony and the Ecstasy” of 1965, with Charlton Heston as Michelangelo commissioned by Pope to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel with the Universal Judgment, “Per grazia Ricevuta “of 1971 with Nino Manfredi, one of the most loved Italian actor and many other movies from very famous Italian register as Paolo Genovese and Pupi Avati.

On the left side of the Cathedral is the Bishop’s Palace of1593, with its gallery frescoed by Polinori, the Diocesan Library and the Throne hall frescoed by Ferra da Faenza. Now some rooms are open to visitors.

In addition to the beauty of the rooms, you may enjoy a breath-taking view over St. Fortunato Temple, also immortalized by the celebrated photographer Steve McCurry.

Walking down the alley to the left of the cathedral there is the Lucrezie Monastery with its cloister that overlooks Montesanto convent and the Tiber valley. Here is the Eagle’s Nest, a beautiful terrace where it is believed, the Eagle of Todi spread the tablecloth.

Inside the complex now it is hosted the Museo Lapidario (Lapidary Museum) with Roman and Medieval sculptural artefacts.

Next to Piazza del Popolo there is Piazza Garibaldi with the monument dedicated to Garibaldi and the marvellous view over the valley and the “Santissimo Crocefisso” Church. Walking down Corso Cavour we find our Fonte Cesia or Fountain della Rua and Porta Marzia.

Continuing to wander around Todi among its streets, you have to visit Santa Maria in Camucia church, the beautiful Scarnabecco Fountains, the Nicchioni Romani, located in the Piazza del Mercato vecchio, St. Charles ChurchNunziatina Church in Borgo Nuovo quarter.

Inside the church dedicated to St. Francis, in the Poor Clare Monastery, you cannot miss the charming and well-known ” St. Patrick’s Purgatory ” fresco, it is one of the first representations of Dante’s Purgatory.

To visit the most important places you can buy a ticket (Todi Unica), you can book a guide, or join a city guided Tour during the weekends, made by Todi Guide or Todi Museum System, with the guides you can visit palaces usually closed to the public as Pongelli Palace, The Painted House and the Bishop’s Palace.

Enjoy your strolls in Todi!!

Sport and nature

Umbria offers many opportunities for sport and nature lovers with many  outdoor activities: Trekking, hiking, Nordic walking, climbing, canyoning, speleology, rafting, horse riding, archery, golf.

We also provide tailored solutions to explore the territory by bike, by motorbike, by Vespa, by electric cars and foot.

Please contact us if you wish more information or to book an activity. We can help you to rent bikes, Vespa or an electric car.


A forte of Todi and Umbria is Handicraft. Whilst walking along the roads of Todi, you will spot conspicuous numbers of pottery workshops, boasting the renowned Deruta Ceramics. This is an ancient tradition inherited by Etruscan which had seen its highest splendour during Renaissance period all over Europe.

You can find shops with wooden olive products, restorers’, cabinetmakers and carvers workshops. Traditional is also the processing and production of linen in Montefalco.

Recent is the processing of cashmere, which boasts in Todi and in all Umbria large companies, worldwide known as symbols of Made in Italy, it will be our pleasure to show you the shops and cashmere outlets in Todi and Umbria.


In Todi and its surroundings you can do many activities from tours and wine tastings in the Umbrian cellars, to cheeses or cold meats tasting or cooking classes, the course or the visit to the Chocolate School will be much enjoyed as by adults as by the children.

You can visit the pottery factories and the cashmere outlets.

In Todi you can also attend language courses from basic to business.

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Hotel Fonte Cesia » Todi and Umbria » What to do in Todi